TN Forest e-nursery

Tamil Nadu Forest Department

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Tamil Nadu E-Nursery

Welcome to the integrated forest e-portal for online nursery information and procurement of seedlings, allowing the public to voluntarily engage with the Green Tamil Nadu Mission.

Nurturing Your Seedlings: Know your seedlings before you plant to make the journey from a planted seedling to a grown tree seamless and smooth.

Locate your nearest tree: Utilize the user-friendly interface to locate the nearest nurseries stocked with a wide array of seedlings, bringing them closer to you. Your valuable voluntary contribution will play a crucial role in making the Green Tamil Nadu Mission a grand success.

Assured availability Same as in the website

Empowering Environmental Consciousness: Mitigating the adverse impact of climate change while also preserving the invaluable biodiversity.

Find Species

Bullet wood Tree 488
Neem 240
Indian Almond 250
Mahogany 249
Guava / Koyya 250
Malabar Plum / Jamun 199
Pongam 98
Pomegranate 98
Moringa oleifera 100
Sandal wood 0
Red sanders 0
Jack fruit tree 48
Madras Thorn 49
Lemon 32
Limonia acidissima 0
Tabebuia 22
Indian Gooseberry 93
Butter tree 245
Arjuna tree 1